Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Day 3: More pain, some frustration and a bass

Some days, doesn't matter what you do, it will go wrong! Today was such a day... after recording the last parts of the drum, it was time for Joeri to take up the bass and hit the strings. Unfortunately the mighty Rickenbacker didn't quite agree... after plugging it in we noticed that there was a remarkable volume difference between the low strings and the higher strings... troubles, troubles troubles... after searching and tweaking with everything we could imagine: different cables, batteries, you name it... we decided to start the bass lines with the "Music man" bass. Not that thats not a good bass, it's in fact also a very cool instrument... but once you set you're mind on a type of sound its hard to think differently.

But well, after all the bass was recorded! Tomorrow the guitars...

Here the photo gallery of day 2 and 3! Where you see the last recordings of the drums, the bass troubles and the final recordings of the bass.

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