Thursday, April 5, 2007

Day 4 and 5: the click track, more guitars, the vocals and mixing time

Okay I skipped a day to blog. Not that it was all my fault, didn't have internet when I woke up day 5 so couldn't blog on day 4... and afterwards I had to sing... But no prob I'll give you an update on what we did these 2 days in the studio.

Day 4 was mostly about the guitars. We Joris, Jimmy and I started early in the morning with setting up the guitars and looking for some cool sounds for our songs. We finetuned Joris his guitar sound and made sure he could bust some balls hitting his rocking chords! When Luc arrived we immediately started with the recording of Jimmy's guitar. Like we were getting used this didn't quite go as easy as planned. But hey, we want to work hard to get it as good as we can! At about 9 in the evening, Joris could start with his first guitar parts. Some songs were recorded but the rest was for our final day...

Day 5 started with Joris his final guitar riffs. Jimmy also did some final tweekings from some riffs and then we had a long listen to the whole tracks. We ended with Sabine and me doing a pilot of our vocals so Luc can start with the mixing of the tracks we have so far.

Looking back: we could say we started recording with not enough rehearsals to actually play our songs without effort. Thanks to Luc we all fell that we were reaching a new level in music playing. That was looking back the most rewarding thing of these first 5 days of studio... we learned how to operate and play as a rocking machine instead of 6 people playing together. Have we arrived at that rocking level? Hell no! But from now on we have an idea how to improve our playing. On both a live rocking but also a recording level.

So for now, Luc is going to mix the tracks and then we hit his studio again for a complete vocal recording session.

Joris recording:


Woefix said...

Will there be acoustic songs? I saw you holding an acoustic guitar...

When is the actual release of the CD?
Will you make a webshop?
I saw a nice black sweather with the new (white) Rovic seems impossible to get!

Michael said...

Welll we are planning on putting an acoustic song on it maybe... but nothing sure about that yet...

The release is planned in september.
A webshop will be made!
The black sweater can be ordered directly through us! Just send us a mail!!!